Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Our latest Kanye bashing post aside, we really do quite enjoy his music. That's why the leak of his latest "Can't tell me nothin" mixtape has sent us into a bowel releasing, techno-craving tizzy....Wait, that was kind of gay....Umm...Well, here's the link, and make sure if you're not using a Macbook you stop off and get Stuffit to extract the compressed files. Oh, and the joint with Pharrell and Lupe Fiasco is quite nice. Makes me want to dance in the rain and sing songs about leperchauns. Okay, I've really got to go now...

*Update* This is the first CD I've listened to straight through in a while. Enjoy*

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Back to our normally scheduled programming...

I think Ibn Jasper's real name is Norrin Radd. Wherever he goes the culture eater we know as Kanye West soon appears. I checked him on The Hundreds site. First Jay-Z, then Mims and now Kanye. But I wanted to address the common perception among hypebeasters that whenever something goes mainstream it losses some of its cache. While i don't agree that going mainstream necessarily sinks a brand, I do believe that once something hits the down-market it will suffer. A perfect example is the case of Burberry. Check this out from Agenda. Click -----------------------------> Here

The fall of Google!!!

I'm not sure whether I should be writing this or not, all the services we use are powered by the Sand Hill Road giant...But, Robert Cringely wrote an essay for PBS about the downfall of Google. As I'm pretty sure that most of our readers don't actually READ , I'll very quickly summarize:

Google currently allows it's employees 20% of the week to work on their pet projects and the opportunity to present it to top brass in the hopes of Google picking it up. To developers (and creatives of any sort) personal freedom from your employers is a huge plus. Oftentimes these guys will begin working on something they believe is a great idea but when the time comes to present it to Sergey and Eric, they don't see it as so. Google might only pick up about 5 or 6 of these ideas and everybody else is out of luck. Cringely reasons that those whose ideas aren't picked don't see it as Google saving them from their own bad ideas, but as Google not recognizing the potential. And that's where the trouble starts.

To read the rest of this article click: here

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Really, quick: TechCrunch has 10,000 Joost beta invites. GigaOm has 20,000. Michael Arrington seems to think getting a Joost invite now is what getting a gmail invite was a couple of years ago. The whole idea is actually kind of awesome: Joost allows you to watch television on your computer anytime you want. Other than watching South American Basketball, Argentinean Rugby, and a little QD3, I haven't had a chance to give it a full run. But, check out the screenshots and go ahead and get your invites.

Check out the screenshots:

For GigaOm invites: Here
For TechCrunch invites: Here

Like Zoom!!!Zoom!!!Zoom!!!

Yeah, I told you really technorati. Sorry for the delay, we've been working on getting our new Zooomr account set up. They have been having trouble with bringing the photos from the old database of Mark II to the new database of Mark III, so they haven't launched quite yet. Nevertheless, You should probably head on over to Zooomr now as the site is going to be amazing. Something like a Flickr gold (a reference to the other blog I write for, if you find it tell me and I'll toss you something cool) the site not only allows you to upload and share pictures but to sell them as stock photos. Awesome!!! The search features are quite unique and the 19yr old (thats right) founder Kris Tate keeps a video blog as they prepare to launch. Go check em out.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Yeah, I Know...

That was a bad post, we know. But don't worry we've got more juicy goodness for you!!! I just felt I should let you know we're going to get really Technorati around here. So, bear with us.

The Matrix!!!

As the web begins to become more and more a part of our personal lives. I've been on the lookout for matrix like moments. Moments where the web and real life seem to intersect. *Cue the X-Files music* Well, I found one. While I was watching the Mac parody on Valleywag my computer skipped a beat for just long enough for me to want to glance back at the television. Nothing odd about that. Until I realized I was watching one of the Mac commercial!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

How to keep an idiot busy!!!

I swear thats what javascript should be called. We've been working on a website (shhh.....) and I've been having hella trouble with some experimental code. Check it out if you want. (That's actually the problem, you have to click the link like twelve times and wait each time). Don't worry, we've got you, we've always got your best interests at heart :) .

Thursday, May 10, 2007

That's Fuc*ed up!!!!

Um... In case you were wondering we were really the first on Tabi Bonney like that. I guess only important people read this mag. Anyways we'll keep up the good work.

Monday, May 7, 2007

What trouble is this!?!?!?

This I must say is quite weird. Saw it on Dork. You take a look:

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Whooo!!!! Finally Done!!!

Well, schools out....It's all gravy from here. Interesting news though. I got bored during final exams and I decided to read the new issue of Wired Magazine beginning my journey which culminated in installing a new OS. There was an article about Mark Shuttleworth, who created a new OS called Ubuntu. After beginning to "feel that crushing sense of uselessness," that comes with having way too much money, he spent $25 million of his personal fortune to hire open source developers, and negotiate with computer companies about selling PCs with the OS pre-installed. But, best of all, anyone can get it for free (We love free crap around here). All you have to do is either download the disk image or request the CD (takes ten weeks :( ) and off you go. From personal experience Ubuntu is quick and intuitive. This is the first Linux based OS that I've ever worked on that is user-friendly. More-so, everything you need and want comes on the disk or in one of the open-source databases th OS automatically connects you to!!! Seriously, you don't know how long it took for me to find Scribus so I could get you that magazine.