Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The fall of Google!!!

I'm not sure whether I should be writing this or not, all the services we use are powered by the Sand Hill Road giant...But, Robert Cringely wrote an essay for PBS about the downfall of Google. As I'm pretty sure that most of our readers don't actually READ , I'll very quickly summarize:

Google currently allows it's employees 20% of the week to work on their pet projects and the opportunity to present it to top brass in the hopes of Google picking it up. To developers (and creatives of any sort) personal freedom from your employers is a huge plus. Oftentimes these guys will begin working on something they believe is a great idea but when the time comes to present it to Sergey and Eric, they don't see it as so. Google might only pick up about 5 or 6 of these ideas and everybody else is out of luck. Cringely reasons that those whose ideas aren't picked don't see it as Google saving them from their own bad ideas, but as Google not recognizing the potential. And that's where the trouble starts.

To read the rest of this article click: here

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