Saturday, June 2, 2007

Apple's Gonna Get You!!!!!

For all the news of Apple allowing DRM free music, it seems Steve Jobs and Co. have added a safety net to allay their fears over piracy. The consumer electronics company will watermark every file with the buyer's details including name and email address. While Apple spokesmen refused to comment, they did direct questions to Michael Gartenberg an analyst at Jupiter Research. Gartenberg had this to say:

"In terms of sharing files, you're not legally permitted to do that anyway," he said. "You weren't supposed to that in the first place. You've technically violated the service agreement. Just because you've taken away the locks on the doors doesn't mean you can walk into someone's house and walk away with the TV set."

To read the full story click here.

1 comment:

◈lunaluna◈ said...

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